E-learning Portal Development

E-learning Portal Development

Due to the technological advancement of the next level, e-learning portals have become very common in use. We offer our best services in the development of e-learning portal and provide flexibility for education institutions to update the latest information. This will make their web-based training top in quality.


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Our E-Learning Portal Development Services

We provide our services to educational institutions for whom we develop e-learning portal for online training and distance learning courses. We develop e-learning portal to impart training for the enhancement of their skills and to unite them under one platform for sharing knowledge.

We try to make your online education and training interactive and interesting through the use of various tools while developing an e-learning portal for your students. Our e-learning portal helps the learner to access their study module and training module from anywhere at any time.

  • We customize modules on e-learning portal as per the needs of your learners/ students.
  • We schedule quizzes and tests on e-learning portal to enable learners/students check their conceptual clarity and knowledge.
  • We try to be multilingual in e-learning portal development so that everyone can understand and gain through it without any language barrier.

E-learning Portal Features

  • 01 Effective Admin Panel

    We have a team of experts who are dedicated to handling data and information of learners available on e-learning portal.

  • 02 Scheduling

    We wisely decide it for the colleges/educational institutes across the globe to have easier access to online courses and training without having any time zone clashes.

  • 03 Virtual Classrooms

    We develop an e-learning portal which is having a feature of interaction with the other students accessing the portal, so that healthy discussions can be done in order to improve one’s knowledge by sharing new ideas.

  • 04 Navigation Tools

    Apart from providing easy access and sitemap to the e-learning module, we give easy to understand navigation tools for the new learners to explore the portal.

  • 05 Doc. Management

    We develop an e-learning portal that enables learners to share documents easily with each other for studying purposes.

  • 06 Quizzes / Test

    We develop tests and quizzes over the e-learning portal itself for better grading of students and scoring of trainers as well.

  • 07 SEO Friendly URLs

    We provide features of sharing knowledge on our e-learning portal, through which learners can access a database of various renowned book records for gaining information on the subject topic in a better way.

  • 08 Multilingual learning module

    We develop an e-learning portal that is not restricted to a particular user or a community, it’s developed with a broad mindset, so that students of different languages can understand and gain knowledge.

Tools & Technologies

Game Based Learning

It’s better to learn with fun. We develop tools to make studies and training more interesting through developing games to teach and train the users. These games enable social interaction amongst the participants and develop interpersonal skills.

Virtual Classrooms

It’s ideal to have study and training modules handy. We enable learning possible from anywhere and anytime by creating virtual classrooms on our created e-learning portals.

Video Streaming

Not just pictures, we develop e-learning portals with video streaming facility to make learning interesting and easier. The tough part of the training seems simple with videos on the topic, hence the trainer or teacher is also benefited because their effectiveness is enhanced.

Online Assessment

Tests and Quizzes incorporated in our e-learning portals give easier access to learners to test their capabilities. When you teach online, it is always better to test online.

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