CRM for Leads Management

What is CRM Lead Management?

We help you manage the engagements and interactions with your leads. CRM lead management is a system whereby an organized approach is followed for interactions with learners along with reviewing and reporting about the same. With this effective communication service, it will be easier for you to convert your learners to students, thereby increasing the number of students in your college or educational institute.

Get full visibility of your college/educational institute in real time

We provide customized solutions for your student relationship management depending on the criteria of your college/ educational institute. The expert team ensures that they follow the correct strategy while interacting with learners as well as students.

We focus on bringing learners to your fold and also help you to retain them through impressive student relationship management. With our professional services, you are sure to have a better and transparent relationship with your prospective learners.

  • Saves time and efforts of admissions team
  • Ready made responses from learners available to your team for easier admission to your college/educational institute.
  • Your team will be able to interact with interested learners instantly for admissions in your college/educational institute.

Arm your admissions team with time-saving tools they’ll actually use

When leads are generated, the team needs to make lots of efforts to convert them to students. In this process, if automation is available with effective student relationship management tools, it becomes less time consuming for the admission staff members.

On the other hand, if the professional services available for student relationship management are efficient, the students are happier and they stay more satisfied with your educational institute’s and services. The full – fledged CRM system for lead management ensures cost control, saves time and helps monitor the growth of admission into your college/ educational institute.

  • A happier learner will stay for a long time with an effective CRM.
  • Student database creation becomes easier with automation.
  • Repetitive processes can be done by the automated CRM system, helping save time and energy.

The Free CRM That Goes Far Beyond Contact Management

The CRM when used optimally, can be very effective and time saving for the admissions team. This CRM system goes beyond contact management in which only contact details are recorded, and communication with these contacts is tracked.

Contact & Lead Management

Through our organized contact and lead management, you can access a ready-made database for getting more learners/students for your college/educational institute. The errors in communication are reduced through an automated response system through CRM.

Admissions Management

The learner’s probability to convert to student can be easily managed through our CRM. Your admissions team will just require to drag the learner’s details through admission process steps with our admissions management feature of the CRM system.

Email Tracking

Our CRM system enables you to track email sent by prospective students and also, email interactions with converted students. Through our tracking feature, you can reply to multiple students with an ease.

Gmail & Outlook Integration

The probable students/learners contacting you on Gmail and Outlook to be automatically integrated with the CRM system database, enabling faster response to them. The admission team can get a list of interested students in no time through system check, instead of checking individual mailboxes.

Contact Activity

You do not need to maintain multiple databases for completing your admission activity. With one click in our CRM system, all your contacts can be managed in one go.

Meeting Scheduling

We act as a meeting scheduler for you. It enables complete end-to-end interaction with interested students, starting from interacting with learners to engaging students and their parents to scheduling meetings for you.

Take your Institute to Newer Heights

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